(314) 583-9065

Our Story

Pascha Parker, 2002

Ladies and Gentlemen:
  Ten years ago, I was morbidly obese, on medication for high blood pressure, full of fast food cheeseburgers, yet desperate to lose weight. I tried dieting and exercise and every time I failed, I gained more weight and greater disappointment.  UNTIL, one night I was in so much emotional pain, all I could do was pray. I was fed up, I was a young woman and I wanted a richer, more fulfilling, healthier life.  I poured my heart out, pleading with God to give me the power to change my life! THEN it happened! Through His Holy Spirit he gave me power to make better  food choices and begin an exercise program. With His help, (NO surgery and NO pills) , I've lost over 130lbs!!  Since then, my passion for fitness and health led me to become a fitness professional. I'm still on my journey, I want to reach out to men and women just like me, extraordinary people committed to change and become healthier.

Pascha Parker, Owner and Trainer, Mission: Fitness


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